29 Years. Since January 1996. X12-EDI. ERP. Barcode. Author. Speaker. Writer.
29 Years. Since January 1996. X12-EDI. ERP. Barcode. Author. Speaker. Writer.
A great message is more than just presenting facts and figures; it’s about telling a compelling story that can clearly explain the who, what, where, when, and why, and that can relate to the reader, regardless of the perspective. -- Norman Katz, President, Katzscan Inc.
Norman Katz is a US national and international speaker (60+ presentations) and writer (50+ articles), and is the author of three exclusive business books. With his ability to clearly convey complex concepts to all levels of audience, Norman is regularly asked to use his creative content writing skills, business writing experience, wide range of technical knowledge, and extensive understanding of business to create meaningful user documentation, detailed technical requirements, and insightful analysis for the companies he helps.
Please use the Contact page if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No, I cannot guarantee those results. But using someone to help write your documentation can help to better convey your message and may improve your chances.
No, I cannot guarantee those results. But using someone to help you craft your message may help you to better get your message across to your intended audience. I believe that it is important to write to your intended audience.
No, I cannot guarantee those results. This really relies on executive, senior, and middle management to lead and enforce procedures and policies, and to ensure that all employees have training in the software and processes that should be followed, and that suppliers and vendors are engaged and educated on those policies and procedures.
No. The price I charge is strictly based on the effort to create the documentation required for the allocation or award. The amount of the allocation or award has no relevance to the fee charged for services. I charge per hour or per project, and sometimes a mix of both.
Not everyone is skilled at communicating business and technical concepts in a clear, concise, and creative way that is written for the intended audience to understand. (This is one particular area where software projects tend to suffer.) Knowing when to use the right kind of visuals helps to get the message across better than text. I have a great track record of helping companies document their software systems, data analysis, and business procedures. I am a US and international presenter and a US and international writer of print and online articles, including peer-reviewed. My first two books were published by a leading academic book publisher. I’ve had to meet some high standards for my writing. All this talent is available to help you and your company or organization.
"Things seen differently."