29 Years. Since January 1996. X12-EDI. ERP. Barcode. Author. Speaker. Writer.
My clients know their industry, but I know their business.
Norman Katz, President, Katzscan Inc.
Telephone: (954) 942-4141
29 Years. Since January 1996. X12-EDI. ERP. Barcode. Author. Speaker. Writer.
Norman Katz, President, Katzscan Inc.
Telephone: (954) 942-4141
Katzscan's mission is to help enterprises advance their internal and external execution by:
This is accomplished through targeted discovery engagements that include robust conversations with key internal personnel at all levels who are directly involved in the affected activities, software system reviews, external entity conversations, and data analysis.
Katzscan does not directly sell any hardware products or software applications. Therefore we provide vendor-neutral observations and opinions. Our insights are the results of decades of experience. This allows us to offer advice in the best interest of our client companies.
If you a retail or grocery vendor that is struggling to achieve order fulfillment perfection, my exclusive article series published with Supply Chain Management Review will help you.
To access the article series, click here. A PDF e-book of the article series is available on this website's Articles & Audio webpage.
"Things seen differently."